So... long time, no post right? I was visiting VA. I got to see my parent's new place. I love it! It is so very them! Then I came back home and have been catching up on life. It's been easy... but I like easing into things. We had a good weekend with friends and today we just chilled at home. I finally cleaned my bathroom. Wooo... now I will actually feel clean coming out of the shower! :-) The kids are doing well. Clara's teething or something and hasn't quite gotten back to her good sleeping self after our trip. Connor is upstairs sleeping without a pull-up for the first time tonight. He was very concerned. We'll see how it goes. I just need to remember to take him to the bathroom before I go to bed... which will be soon.
The evenings are getting chilly here. I need to find Clara's sweater and wash Connor's new pullover so we can have them in the car ready for those chilly evenings (and days in the shade). It's nice. I'm sad to see the summer go. I'm beginning to mourn our coming move a little already. When the seasons change it's hard to deny that time is marching forward. I'm sad about what we will be leaving, perhaps even a little more than last time. I know I probably won't be visiting here frequently. Thankfully, the submarine community is a small one, and we are bound to run into friends again. But now is not the time to be sad! It's way to early for that!

So here are my beautiful babies! I think you've been denied their photos long enough! I keep forgetting my camera when we go cool places and one can only proudly display so many headshots... what am I talking about? I know you just and get enough of my lovely children's heads! ~;-) Have a great day!
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