Thursday, July 24, 2008

Talk me down

I feel like eating a whole cake. I just want something super-duper filling to eat. The Lean Cuisines for lunch just aren't cutting it.


Catherine said...

Those extra calories are just not worth it. I had a huge lunch today for my friend's birthday, probably with enough calories to exceed my normal calorie allotment for the day! You've been doing so well - don't give into those temptations! Remember how far you've come in a short time and keep picturing yourself at your goal weight! And remember that food is only temporarily satisfying! Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

It might be delicious when you're eating it...but you'll feel disgusting about it after. It's just not worth it. Unless you really, really feel like you need to have it. Then just have a bite or two. Everything in moderation. Plus I'm a big believer in that whole "the body craves what it needs" thing. I'm craving a donut...

Tracey said...

You guys crack me up! Thanks for the talk... hehehe. ~:-D