Monday, August 01, 2005


Has it been a long time since I posted, or what? A lot has been happening, but mainly one big thing. We added an extra member to our family. No, I'm not pregnant and we didn't adopt. It's not a dog or cat or other pet. We were host family to Dima, a nine year old boy from the Ukraine. Wow was that a great experience!

He arrived on June 18th around lunch time. He walked right up to us and worked very hard to say, "My name is Dima Piven." Then he flashed a big grin. We learned quickly that he is a very sweet kid with a little bit of drama thrown in. He loves Scooby Doo and playing video games. He LOVED the beach and going to Chuck E. Cheese. He doesn't like peanut butter or anything fried or greasy (ie no chicken nuggets or pizza *gasp*) He has a 3 year old bother and is so very good with Connor. All in all, he won our hearts.

Unfortunately, his time with us ended on Saturday morning. I miss him very much. Connor misses him too. All day yesterday he was saying "ma-ma", which is what he called Dima (I obviously don't have a name anymore). When I took him into the office, he saw the picture of Dima I have on our desktop. He grinned, pointed and said "ma-ma!" We are sad he is gone, but I know his mom is glad to have him back.

I will update about my physical state later. Have a good day!

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